Graduation Day

Looking through the doorway,
The road winds down and away from you,
Twisting out-of-sight around the bend,
The end not now apparent…
The clouds may blot out the sun,
Rains may dampen your spirit for a time,
But keep your eyes ever on the path,

For the journey is sometimes more important

Then the final destination.
Good fortune and good health!
$1US is the price for Insert, printed inside the card and appropriate color 
vinyl text "Graduation Day", placed on the Front of the card.

Content could be altered with the details you provide on your e-mail 
About Front text changes please send e-mail
Indicate the Insert name: "Graduation Day"" in the shopping cart "Notes and 
instructions" box and correspond it with the card ID to be printed in.
 For example: "VO2201 - Graduation Day"