About the Artist and Foundress of Viktorina Cards

Меня зовут Викторина Юрьевна Савельева.
Слева Вы видите фотографии из моего семейного альбома.
Моя Родина - Украина, где я родилась, выросла, получила
образование и имела успешную инженерную карьеру в
Украинском институте "Тэжпромэлектронроект", проектируя
электроприводы и системы автоматики для прокатных станов.
Занятия искусством и рукоделием было моим хобби, но
у меня также есть диплом художника-оформителя. Пользуясь
возможностью, я хочу поблагодарить всех моих коллег, учителей,
родственников, друзей и многих других, кого я когда-либо
встречала в той моей счастливой жизни.
Так случилось, что с 1995 года я начала свою Новую и очень
 интересную жизнь в Канаде, в прекрасном городе Монреале.
Вы прочтёте ниже о компании Viktorina Cards, которую я
организовала. Большое спасибо организациям,
официальным лицам и окружающим меня очень
симпатичным канадцам, которые помогли мне
преодолеть множество трудностей.
My name is Viktorina Savelieva.  
On the left you see photos from my Family album.
My Motherland is Ukraine, where I was born, raised,
educated and had a successful engineering career 
at a Ukrainian Project Institute designing Electrical
Drives and Control Systems for Steel Mills. Arts and
Craft were my hobbies, but I also have a Certificate
 in Design and Painting. Taking an opportunity
 of this Web Site I want to say THANK YOU to all
my colleagues, teachers, relatives, friends and many others
whom I have ever met in that my happy life. My life
went in such a way that since 1995 I have been starting

my New exciting life in Canada.You will read below 

about the company Viktorina Cards I have started.

Many thanks to the organizations, officials and individuals
who helped me to start my New Life in Canada.

From Anna to Anna

1. Январь 2001. Время идёт, и я хочу вам представить мою талантливую  внучку Анну. Она заинтересовалась моим бизнесом, и это вдохновляет меня его продолжать. Посмотрите на фотографии слева. Анна унаследовала фамильные черты своей прабабушки Анны Тимофеевны Зубковой, старшей сестры моей мамы. Mногообещающая жизнь этой очень красивой и богатой женщины начиналась в первые годы 20 века. Молодая Анна начинает свою многообещающую жизнь в начале 21 века.

2. Январь2005. Поздравляем!! Анна Савельева - владелица компании  Viktorina Cards! Удачи! Вы можете послать ей e-mail

Викторина Савельева.


1. January 2001.The time is going and I want to introduce you my talented granddaughter Anna. She wants to become a designer and shows an interest to my business. This encourages me to continue until she will be able to take all the responsibilities. Look at the picture on the left. Anna inherited family traits of her grand-grandmother (older sister of my mother) Anna. She was a beautiful and rich Russian woman who started her expected to be exciting life in the beginning of 20th century.  Young Anna is starting her exciting life in the beginning of 21st century.

2.January 2005. Congratulations! Anna Savelyeva - the owner of  Viktorina Cards! All The Best! You could send her an e-mail

Viktorina Savelieva.


About The Company Viktorina Cards

Мои русские друзья могут прочесть о компании Viktorina Cards, открыв этот линк: https://amazzzingcards.com/viktorina/cards/card1.htm

The pictures below are taken at National Stationery Show, 

New York 2001. You could view them here

We began our business making handmade greeting cards in March 1997 in 
Montréal, Québec, Canada. We started selling our cards to gift stores, specialty stores, 
bookstores, and other select stores. As our business grew, we started to make cards  
according to the customer's needs and inserting personalized text depending on the 
occasion. For example, we started making  original collections of cards,
including wedding anniversaries, seasonal greetings, dogs, cats, fish, swans, ducks, 
butterflies, birds, etc., with more collections to be added in the coming months. For 
corporate clients, we can make a card with your company logo and add a unique design custom-made for you that can be used for promotions. This kind of cards can 
be a very effective tool in any marketing campaign. We make greeting cards and other 
cards by hand using collage mixed with different media. We use a variety of 
materials including dried flowers, beads, buttons, ribbons, lace and many other 
materials to create  elegant and stylish cards. We are launching this online handmade 
greeting card shop, so that customers can purchase cards from several distinctive 
collections at their convenience, directly from this site.

The website story:

I started this business in 1997 and realized very soon that
I cannot have a serious business without having an on line card catalogue. I was already able to create web pages
 to represent my products and just started working on that. I was thinking about what to do next  to go further with my business idea, 
when two guys appeared from nowhere and made me a proposition to help with search engine ranking.
 At that time I did not have any knowledge about website promotion, networking and e-commerce. They agreed to work with me.
The names of two quite remarkable fellows that deserve mention are Mike Shaer, and Malcolm Wald. They had my website up and running in October 1999.
This will remain a fond anniversary for me and my husband, Leonid. They did a  tremendous job by ranking my site within the first pages
 of search results on Yahoo.com and Google.com. I understand now that this is no easy feat.  I cannot use words alone to describe the elation
 I felt and still feel today, when I do a search for handmade greeting cards on Yahoo. Mere words cannot do justice to the amount of work they did.
I am deeply grateful for their kindness and talents. Now, Mike Shaer is a very busy person doing graduate studies in mental health at McGill University,
 but we remain friends and get together for the occasional coffee, and it is always wonderful to see him and talk about "old" times. We can talk for hours...
With my warmest regards and affection, Viktorina Savelieva.  November, 2003. 

Viktorina Cards situation at the time of COVID-19, August 2021

I am Viktorina Savelieva, the owner of Viktorina Cards. Getting old, I am thinking about the future of original handmade cards line I've started.

Unfortunately, the situation is such that I have no one who could continue the work that I love so much. I am looking for a company, which

is producing any artistic product, involving hand work. They could include handmade greeting cards as their new product. I am ready to give them FREE rights for all my ideas, designs, patterns, images, contacts, technology of producing, some materials left, etc. My son owns and maintains my online Internet shop www.amazzzingcards.com   It was on a top-20 (among 7mln.) Internet shops, selling handmade greeting cards. Unfortunately, the site has lost this rating now, but my partner Malcolm Wald (see on the above) is ready to renew it now. I stopped now shopping carts, but I still have a contract with CCNow, my online retailer.

Ooops! Unbelievable, as I started this search,  LinkedIn sent me a proposition of contacting Carole Gilman, President/owner at Seracon/eco-Culture.

Wow!  I believe that any sudden event in our life have some signs, hints for our future action. On a top of this page I wrote: "Many thanks to the organisations, officials and individuals who helped me to start my New Life in Canada." This is also for Carole Gilman and her company, where I received my first working experience in Canada and developed my artistic skills which gave me possibilities of producing handmade cards.